About the Women’s Committee

Our Mission

The Women’s Committee operates exclusively to promote the cultural and educational value of Carnegie Museum of Art to the community by increasing the museum’s visibility, providing financial support and expanding its community outreach.
Women's Committee Carnegie Museum of Art
Women's Committee Carnegie Museum of Art
Women's Committee Carnegie Museum of Art

A Brief History

In 1957, the Board of Trustees of Carnegie Museum and Gordon Bailey Washburn, Director of the Fine Art Department at Carnegie Institute, formed an Advisory Board, a Central Board and a Junior Council to, as stated in the original bylaws, “further the interest of Carnegie Museum of Art, Carnegie Institute, and to promote its cultural and educational usefulness to the community.” That well-conceived purpose continues today.

Despite close cooperation between the three founding entities, it became increasingly clear that combining the groups would lead to a stronger and more effective organization. By 1967, the three groups had merged to form one committee named the Women’s Committee of Carnegie Museum of Art (WCCMOA), having both Active and Advisory Members, as is the case today.

Women's Committee Carnegie Museum of Art

Additional Info

The Women’s Committee operates as an independent, non-profit 501(c)(3) corporation registered with the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. A copy of the registration and financial information for the Women’s Committee, Carnegie Museum of Art, may be obtained from the Pennsylvania Department of State by calling toll-free: 1.800.732.0999 within Pennsylvania. Registration does not imply endorsement.


Women's Committee
Carnegie Museum of Art
4400 Forbes Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15213